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Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Goon est le prendre un verre pour les routards. Moins cher...Ce n'est pas un verrre de qualite. Mais, moins cher. C'est combien? :) $11-$14 par 4-5 litres. Il y a beaucoup de goon parmi backpackers. Je pense c'est meilleur boire autre chose.

(Goon is the drink of choice for most backpackers. It is very cheap box wine....very, very poor quality wine. But, heh, it usually costs $11-$14 for a 4-5 litre box of wine. Goon sacs are a regular sight at all backpackers. I suggest you drink something other than goon if you have the money. hehehe

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Simon, Stefan and I stayed at the Asylum, an hostel in Cairns, Queensland, Australia. This hostel is one of the coolest I have stayed in. People hang out on the grounds. They play didgeridoos, swing poi, lounge on hammocks, drink goon, hang out at "The Lagoon" (a human-made pool near the beach). The Lagoon exists because there is no beach at Cairns!!! Just mud where a beach should be. The Asylum gives out free dinner tickets for The Woolshed. Peterpans gives out free dinner tickets for the Rhinobar. Soooo..I eat 2 free meals each night. It's a rough life. But, someone has to live it. I will pay the price and take one for the team by eating the 2 free dinners each night.

Grande Barrière de Corail (Great Barrier Reef)

J'ai fait de la plongee dans la Grande Barriere de Corail. Le corail n'etait qu'a 1,5 metres de profondeur. Il avait de nombreuses especes de poisson de toutes les couleurs et de toutes les tailles. Ils nagaient tout autour de moi et n'etaient qu'a quelques centimetres. J'ai vu des anguilles aussi longues que moi. Elles etaient tres colorees et s'ouvraient pour attraper de la nourriture. J'etais tres emu. Les mots ne suffisent pas pour expliquer ce que j'ai ressenti a ce moment.

(I snorkeled at the Great Barrier Reef. The Reef where I snorkeled at was only 1-1.5 metres below the surface of the ocean. There were many species of fish - many colors and shapes. They swam all all around me within cm of me. I swam to some giant sea clams that were as large as me. They were so colorful and they would open and close to catch food. I was moved to tears at times. My words come short of explaining how beautiful an experience it was).

Friday, September 18, 2009

Le Dragon as moi (The Dragon has me)

Dean (un artiste de tatouage) m'a tatoué avec ce dragon. J'ai un pendentif avec ce symbole depuis plus de dix an!!!! j'ai casse ce pendentif cette semaine dans un bar a Cairns et maintenant je l'ai tatoue. J'ai ete tres chanceux de le retrouver.

(Dean (a tattoo artist) tattooed me with this dragon. I have had this symbol on a pendant for over 10 years. I lost this pendant this week in a bar in Cairns and now I have it as a tattoo. I am very lucky to have found it!)

Monday, September 14, 2009


Un indigène d'Australie joue de la musique avec son didgeridoo. Il regne une ambiance tribale. Cette musique résonne en moi.

(An Australian Aboriginal playing a didgeridoo. The music has a tribal ambience. It resonates in me)

Mon nouveaux decouverte (my new discovery)

Je voudrais ce dragon comme animal de compagnie.

(I would like this dragon as a pet)

Mes Amis de Taiwan (My friends from Taiwan)

J'aimerais vous présenter Tzu Hsiang (Tony) et son epouse la belle (Mary). Ils viennent de Taiwan et sont tres gentils. :) Je les ai rencontre a Cairns, Australie. Ce poisson veut manger Mary. O.O

(I present to you Tony and his wife Mary from Taiwan. They are very nice! I met them in Cairns, Australia. This fish wants to eat Mary. yikes!)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Joanne et la noix de coco (Joanne and her coconut)

Cette anglaise (Joanne) est déchaînée. Personne n'arrive à la contrôler. Nous avons ete a Cape Tribulation, Australie. Elle a eu tres soif. Elle a voulu boire le lait de la noix de coco. Vouloir c'est pouvoir!!!!!

(This english woman, Joanne, is wild. No one can control her. We were at Cape Tribulation, Australia. She was very thirsty. She wanted to drink that coconut. Where there's a will, there's a way!!!)


Voici Kate (Le 4 /4 de Simon). Nous avons voyage de Darwin a Cairns et de Cairns a Cooktown dans l'Australie via Kate. Simon ne quitte jamais sa Kate.
(This is Kate, Simon's 4x4. We traveled with her from Darwin to Cairns to Cooktown in Australia. Simon never leaves his Kate)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Estelle et Eugenie!!!

Voici mes exceptionnelles amies françaises. Nous avons voyage a Uluru, Kings Canyon, Le Olgas, Darwin. Bis!

(My wonderful French friends. We travelled together to Uluru, Kings Canyon, The Olgas, Darwin. Kisses)

Vivre Le Vent!! (Long live the wind)

Christian, mon ami d'Allemagne, et moi-meme avons nos tetes à l'extérieur du bus!! Vive le vent!!!!!

(My friend Christian (German) and myself with our heads outside the bus. Long live the wind!!)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Australie - sur le Savannah Way (Australia - on the Savannah Way)

Mon voyage avec Simon (un Anglais qui a appele son 4 /4 Kate), et Stefan (un Allemand), de Darwin a Cairns, Australie, sur le Savannah Way, mais aussi de Cairns a Cook Town.

(My Trip with Simon (England in his 4WD is called Kate), Stefan (Germany), from Darwin to Cairns, Australia, on the Savannah Way, and from Cairns to Cook Town.

Bienvenue!! (Welcome to my blog!!!)

J'ai fait ce blog pour partager avec tout le monde mes expériences passee par le monde. S'amuser!!
(I created this blog to share with everyone my experiences through this world. Enjoy!).