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Sunday, December 6, 2009


3 Nov 09 - Federation Square, Melbourne, Victoria, Australie -

I have travelled for 7-8 months in Australia. Most places in This country cost $4-7 per hour for the internet.
In the Outback it is usually $7-10 per hour. Considering I can spend 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 31 days
per month on the internet for $60, it is shocking in Australia! This is only one example of the cost to travel
in Australia. I had planned to go to southeast Asia in April. But, my savings are dwindling too fast here. It is
more important for me to discover the world and how it works. So, I plan to leave in 3-4 weeks for southeast Asia. It
is okay. I have wanted to travel to Asia for longer than I can remember.

Le Marché (The Market)

1 Dec 09 - Queen Victoria Night Market, Melbourne, Australie - J'ai vu une danse d'habitant de Sumatra au Marché. C'était hypnotique.

. (I saw some Sumatran
dances - mesmerizing)
The sounds, smell of international foods, clothing and objects from various parts of the world -
This market is my second favorite in Australia. My favorite one is the Mendel Beach Sunset Market in
Darwin, Northern territory, Australia. They are similar but the one in Darwin is at the beach with the sun
setting and it is cozier/smaller. At the Queen Victoria Night Market, there were some Sumatran's presenting
some Sumatran dances. One of the dances was so compelling that the actors and actresses left the theatre of
my mind and my thoughts ceased. It is in these moments on my travels (now 7 months into this part of my travels)
that I see life can be more than my mind understands. Looking back on this experience, I realize that even
though I did not understand with my conscious mind, I nonetheless "understood". The effect is that my mind
became still. This experience reminds me again that there is so much more to this world than I understand.
People and animals truly find ways to survive and thrive.

On Se Pense... ( thinking)

Un Moment de Reflechir (A Little Reflection)

30 Nov 09 - Il y a les trillions de variables. Un choix me portes sur un chemin. Un autre choix, un autre chemin... possible, à peine tous juste différent ou trés différent ...De vrai, je ne m'ai jamais prédire le résultat.

(There are trillions of variables. One choice carries me on a path. Another choice, perhaps, just barely different or completely different. In truth, I cannot predict the outcome of any decision).

Chaud (heat)

28 Nov 09 - Katherine, Nord Territoire, Australie - Il fait plus de 40 celsius et plus de 85% humidité. "Oh, Canada" My national anthem - Neige!! Je me suis decidé à voyager pour le sud-est d'Australie pour beaucoup de raisons différents..un des raisons est qu'il fait moins de chaud.

(The temperature is over 40 celsius and the humidity is more than 85%. I want to sing the national anthem of Canada, "Oh,Canada". My body wonders where is the below 0 celsius weather. I have decided to travel to the southeast of Australia for different of the reasons is that it is cooler.

Le Marche (The Walk)

26 Nov 09 - Katherine Gorge, Australie - Je ne me sens nager à ce temps. Je ne peux pas trouver le photo!!!!

(I do not feel like swimming in this moment. I cannot find the photo!)

Le Reve (dream)

26 NOv 09 - Lilly's Pond - Katherine Gorge, Australie. Voilà! Mon endroit favorite du Nord Territoire.

(Here it is. My favorite spot in all the Northern Territory, Australia)