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Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Retour à Nord-Amérique (I have returned home)

J'ai retourné au Nord-Amerique. La derniére version du blog sera lancée dans sept jours. à bientôt !

(I have returned to North America. The latest update to my blog will be in 7 days. See you soon!)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Unexpected

16 Mars 2010 - Changes in plans. Plans are only thoughts. One who travels for a long time knows this well. I planned to cycle in Laos for upwards of
a month. But, I had to stop because I hurt my knee cycling. Then, more happened to me. Flu, cold, gastritis. My knee is less sore each day. But,
I am still concerned about how it is and may affect my travels. In Kathmandu, I have been talking with some guides about the Annapurna Circuit. They say
there is snow (as much as 1.6 m) in some areas above 2,800 - 3,000m. There are multiple places where I would have to carry my bicycle up and down
stairs and across snow areas. I am concerned that my knee will not be well enough to carry my packs and bicycle through these areas.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Argent et Culture (Money and Culture)

Yesterday, I walked to the Népal Market in Kathmandu. At one point., two children came up and kept holding on to my arms. They asked for things over and over. Then, they sat down and held on to my legs so i could not walk and refused to let go until I gave them food. Other people stand in front of me and will not let me pass unless I buy something. At times, grabbing my arm firmly. I have found few people who listen to me when I say no. Another man wanted me to stay at his guesthouse and followed me down the street. He asked me to stay at his guesthouse NO less than 20 times (I am not exagerating). I already had a guesthouse. And those who see this happen to me never help me. This has happened to me too many times to count in all the countries I have visited. Unless one has visited these countries, it is difficult to convey what it is like to experience this. Alas, It is only one part of my experience in southeast Asia. One part of my education of a culture that is different than mine.

Les Routes (The roads)

Les routes dans le sud-est Asie sont un sport extrème. Les routes les plus sauvage du sud-est Asie qu'on a visité dans l'ordre des plus sauvages à les moins de sauvages: Kathmandu, Phnom Penh, Bangkok, Siem Reap. Souvent, dans le Kathmandu, Népal, les motos/voitures vont me passer à moins de 15cm!!

(roads in southeast Asia are an extreme sport. The roads in southeast Asia that I have visited in order from most wild to least wild are as follows: Kathmandu, Phnom Penh, Bangkok, Siem Reap. Often in Kathmandu, motorcycles and cars pass me within 15cm!!)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mise à Voyage en sud-est Asie (update for southeast Asia)

J'ai été en sud-est Asie de 61 jours. Je suis allé à vélo plus de 1900km maintenant - inclué Thailand, Cambodge et Laos.
Je me sens heureux etre ici.

(I have been in southeast Asia for 61 days. I have cycled more than 1900km to date, incompassing Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. I do not regret doing this.)

DAY 60 - Le Mise à Numéro de Jours (update on days)

De vrai, aujourd'hui est le 60iéme jour depuis d'arriver en sud-est Asie. C'est le 48iéme jour depuis que je suis départs à vélo de Bangkok, Thailand. J'utilisera les jours depuis je suis allé à sud-est Asie - 60.

Actually, today is the 60th day since I arrived in southeast Asia. It is only the 48th day since I left Bangkok, Thailand by bicycle. I will refer to the actual days since I arrived in southeast Asia - 60.

Les Montagnes de Laos.. (the Laotian mountains)

Ces sont les photos de moi aprés chaque jour que je suis allé à vélo (This is how I looked at the end of each day after
bicycling in the Laotian mountains)...LOL!