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Sunday, December 6, 2009


3 Nov 09 - Federation Square, Melbourne, Victoria, Australie -

I have travelled for 7-8 months in Australia. Most places in This country cost $4-7 per hour for the internet.
In the Outback it is usually $7-10 per hour. Considering I can spend 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 31 days
per month on the internet for $60, it is shocking in Australia! This is only one example of the cost to travel
in Australia. I had planned to go to southeast Asia in April. But, my savings are dwindling too fast here. It is
more important for me to discover the world and how it works. So, I plan to leave in 3-4 weeks for southeast Asia. It
is okay. I have wanted to travel to Asia for longer than I can remember.

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