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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cambodie - Jour 13 à 18 - Sisophon à Banteay Chmar 2010

The home of the local I stayed at in Banteay Chmar was so nice. He was a rice farmer and his yard was filled with
various shapes of wood and flowers. He had huge cisterns. I did not know that they store up the water that falls
from the sky over the wet season and use it for the whole dry season. There were at least 7 huge cisterns in
his yard. I went in the room where the toilet was. The light was off and I did not know how to take a shower
as there was no shower head. I went out and asked Mr. Chin what to do. He told me I scoop water from the
cistern and pour it over me. To turn on the light he started up the generator to power up the lights. During this
he taught me alot of Kmer, the language of Cambodia. I relize from this experience that there are many ways
to live and do things. It was a fulfilling experience.

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